David Iliefski Janols.

Hi I'm David.

I like tech and building things, here's some things I did.



Electric Skate

My store bought electric skateboard wasn't powerful or fast enough, so I felt compelled to design and build one that was. With two powerful 6374 3200W brushless motors (6400w ≈ 8.5bhp) and a 12s li-ion battery pack it reaches close to 60 kph and makes for a fun ride.


Werewolf Web Game

Ever played Werewolf with your friends? It's a blast. If you haven't, it's a social deduction game for large groups where the goal is to find out who in the party is a werewolf and kill them before they prey on every innocent villager. The game is usually played with a custom deck of cards and a game master who narrates the gameplay. This web app substitutes both. Allowing play without a werewolf deck and letting the would-be game master to join as an extra player. Nothing to install, just create a lobby and have your friends enter the code. Minimum 3 players to play but recommended is at least 5, preferrably 7 or more.
Built with Vue.js, express, socket.io, node.js and mongodb.

Voxel Galaxy

"Umnandi" - Entrepreneurship Bootcamp in Johannesburg, SA

During my master studies in Entrepreneurship and Business Design I was part of a student initiative that compressed our first year into a weekend long venture creation boot camp. We raised funds through arranging events and through grants for the whole team to travel to Johannesburg, South Africa, where we held the boot camp for fellow engineering students at the university of Witwatersrand. This was an incredible and deeply rewarding journey that I'm glad I had the chance to partake in and make happen.

Autonomous Drone

I and a group of other students set out to build an autonomous drone. The frame holds the standard drone parts plus a few ultrasonic sensors, a camera and a Raspberry PI. By using the open source physics based drone simulator AirSim to simulate the physical properties of the real life drone, we could collect data on flying behaviour and measure sensor distances that mirror those of real world flying. With that data, we could then train a neural network to autonomously steer the actual drone in real environments.

Voxel Galaxy Arena

A fast paced multiplayer 2D-shooter set in space. Fueled by the nostalgia of flash web games, players can take their half of the keyboard and jump into the action. These aliens move quick already, but make sure to get the upgrades before the enemy does or you'll be space dust.

Voxel Galaxy Logo
Voxel Galaxy

3D Modelling and Printing

I design, model and print things sometimes. Check out and download some models at Thingiverse